My weakness shows off His power

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” – 2 Corinthians 4:17

It’s been awhile. I’ve been in a funk, bad. Really, I’ve just wanted to hide under a blanket and escape, but I’ve had to keep going, to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Life never stops, you know. It keeps going and going and we have to keep going and going too. Work is still there. Laundry is still there. Kids are still there. The husband is still there. Friends keep texting, calling and emailing. Still gotta eat. My energy, strength, whatever you want to call it, has been LONG gone. God has been carrying me. Moment to moment carrying me. He has been my Strong Tower, my Deliverer, my Protector, my Comforter, my Provider, my Friend. If something crazy could happen, it has. The tears are usually right there, ready to fall, but holding back. Stuff has to get done. Life doesn’t stop until there isn’t a breath left. Until the end, the purpose is sure. Don’t give up. Don’t stop running. Don’t quit. So, somehow God stands me up and gives me a firm place to stand. He reminds me, this is a new day. I’ve got mercies for you, new ones. Watch for them. The trouble is coming, but I told you it would. Be at peace, I am going to fight for you again today. All you have to do is stand.

When your grandmother dies … I am giving you an opportunity to share about ME. So do it. When the doctor thinks you may have cancer … I am giving you a gift to trust me more. My peace is beyond understanding. When a car gets totaled … I’m saying, “I got this! Watch.” When the moth bugs won’t get out of your pantry … don’t lose it, it’s temporary. When the credit card company shuts down your card … don’t panic. I will make a way. When you have one day left before the mortgage payment needs to be mailed … I will provide. When people hate you and say no telling what against you … I am your comfort. Remember I made this world. I hold all the power. When your kid has lice again … Thank Me. I will make it count for good. When your kitchen sink is leaking … improvise and catch it with a container. We will figure it out. When your kids can’t get sexual images out of their heads … Purity is worth the fight. I am teaching them to depend on Me and learn from me how to take their thoughts captive. When people misunderstand what you say … worry doesn’t become you. Wait and I will bring truth into the Light. Be like Jesus, keep your mouth shut. When your friends take their kids places and you can’t afford it … wait, I am going to surprise you. Don’t be jealous and selfish. When I tell you to sell your house … list it and let Me handle the results. When you get overwhelmed with a case of peaches … share with your friends. You’ve been wanting something to give, so here it is. Don’t miss it. When you have to speak at an event … study, learn. I will equip you. When someone comes into your place cursing you … listen a lot, be slow to speak and slow to become angry. There is always more to the story. When your website is hacked … laugh, the enemy wants a piece of you, but I always win. When your friend is fighting for their marriage … believe Me for the impossible and get in the trenches with them. Don’t run from messy. The trials keep coming, but God is greater still. He’s up to stuff we can’t see.

We have a choice, trust Him or don’t. Look for the miracles or miss them. Be thankful for everything or whine about circumstances. My survival has been Jesus. A faith in Him that shows I am shaky and fragile. Sometimes so little it doesn’t seem to exist, but it is still there, as tiny as a mustard seed. My weakness shows off His power.

He reminds me, “you can be sure of what you hope for and certain of what you can’t see.” Be broken, mustard seed faith is enough. “The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” – Luke 17:5-6

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