I am almost finished with Jenny’s book. Truth is, I can only read it in snippets. A page, maybe two at a time. Why? Because I have a short attention span? Well, there IS that. However, I am overwhelmed with the significance on EVERY PAGE. Too much, and I can’t process. Kind of like Thanksgiving Dinner. I’d enjoy it more in smaller increments… I’m afraid I won’t digest it all. So, I read snippets. I just finished the chapter about Jenny’s introversion and the insights into herself. It does make us better servants to realize WE ARE MADE THAT WAY! Not to excuse behaviors, but to capitalize on how God can effectively use our limitations for His good and His glory. HOWEVER: I know from whence she came. I know her people. I know her tribe. Some of her is because of how she was raised. God placed her in that family of origin to make her into the GodGirl that she is. And the me that I am wants to send her a case of LIQUID coffee creamer! I’d love to sit down with her for coffee the next time I am in B’ham. I want to send her book to all my friends. I am learning so much. I hope she is currently writing the next one!